We are so glad you’re able to join us at Spree SW. To confirm this page provides a booking facility for Food only, however, if you wish for your child to attend the event you will need to book a place on Spree’s website & complete a consent form.

Book a place at Spree

(The above link takes you directly to Spree’s website)

Consent Form

(Please, complete the form and return to markf@thecommunitychurch.co.uk)

Vehicle Pass

Display in your vehicle when dropping off and picking up your children


Catering Information

The Community Church is pleased to be able to provide a marquee and catering for the short time away at the Spree SW, scheduled from 21st to 23rd June.

Our catering team have worked hard to keep the costs down for everyone.

The food cost per person is – £15.50

If you’ve got any specific dietary requirements, please speak with Jenny Birks or email her at jennyb@thecommunitychurch.co.uk

To book a food ticket, please scroll down further

Pay online via Churchsuite for FOOD

Purchase a food ticket