Commission and Newfrontiers
Our family of churches
The Community Church
belongs to Commission, one of the spheres of Newfrontiers
The Community Church belongs to Newfrontiers, a worldwide family of churches together on a mission, with over 850 churches in over 60 nations, on every continent. Newfrontiers aims to restore the church by making disciples, training leaders, planting churches and reaching the nations.
First century churches were vibrant communities where each member had a valuable role. They cared for others both in the church and the wider society and were places where the Holy Spirit’s gifts were excitingly evident. We are passionately committed to restoring church life in line with these principles, for the benefit of our society.
With a passionate commitment to build the church according to New Testament principles, we believe that the most effective form of evangelism is worked out from strong local churches. In the churches the gifts of the Spirit are outworked, there is joy in caring one for the other, there is a desire to make a difference in society and an urgency to reach those in need.
We aim to achieve this by:
Advancing the Kingdom
Training leaders
Restoring the Church
Starting churches
Making disciples
Reaching the Nations